
Juan Lorez, age 36

Work History: “Tech industry” - wouldn’t divulge the information

Angle: Liberal - Better privacy, self governing crowd cloud


胡安 羅培茲 36

工作經歷:科技業 - 不願透露更多資訊

切入角度: 自由化 - 更多隱私,自治的大眾雲端


The internet is becoming a basic part of everyone’s lives, and the demand for cloud services continues to increase at an exponential rate. That may seem like a stupidly basic sentence, but think globally. Think of the emerging markets, and the countries which held their people so tightly that they’ve only been online for the last few years (and only in regulated internet cafes).




The handful of “cloud” companies creating an oligopoly are charging cloud services at premium rates. If you’re privileged enough to have access to education to learn the technical know-how you need to use their services, can you afford them? How about the markets with socio economic stagnation? How is the internet ever going to give a voice to the world if half of the population can’t afford to get online?




For those that can afford it - We blindly expose our data to these over-fed cats. Why should we trust them? We have no idea who they hire, and who looks at what. Every transaction, every photo, every word typed. I don’t want them tracking me. I’m not doing wrong, but here I am saying “I’m not doing anything wrong” because they can see this.


對那些負擔得起的人 - 我們閉著兩眼把我們的資料暴露給這些餵得過飽的肥貓。我們為什麼應該信任他們呢?我們全然不知他們雇用些什麼人,哪些人會看到哪些資料。每一筆交易,每一張照片,甚至我們打的每一個字。我不想讓他們追蹤我。我沒做錯事,我要說 我沒做錯什麼事因為他們看得見我說的。


We’ve got to push for a decentralized cloud. I’ve invested in Bitcoin, Ether, and small amounts in other crypto ICOs. My most recent investment is in Cloud Tokens. These guys are heading towards Phase 2 of a cloud decentralization plan which could actually work. Go and see. I’ve checked out the founders (Asaf Zamir - he’s one to watch) and read the white paper which is overly long but at least they’re covering their bases.  As ICOs go, this one feels pretty risk free. You can actually buy services with it as opposed to sitting and waiting for something to miraculously happen like other ICOs (mentioning no names).


我們一定要促進分散的雲端。我投資過比特幣,以太幣,我也有小額投資過其他加密電子貨幣的首次代幣發售眾籌 (ICO)。我最近的投資是雲端代幣 (Cloud Tokens) 。他們目前正邁向雲端分散計畫的第二階段,這個分散計畫其實是行得通的。走著看吧。我查看了一下創建人 阿薩夫 薩米爾 (Asaf Zamir - 他是我們要關注的人),也閱讀了白皮書,雖然過長,但至少有包括他們的基礎。就首次代幣發售眾籌 (ICO) 來說,這一個感覺相當沒有風險。你可以實際上用它來購買服務,相對於於其他的首次代幣發售眾籌 (ICO) 你要坐等一些奇跡發生 (名字我就不提了)

We all know fiat money is on its last legs, it’s not going to see another half century, and before too long everything we buy will be charged in bit increments. Until this happens, we need to pull together and start shaping the internet, and make it globally accessible.




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