
Bruno, age 26

Work History: Co-owns an internet cafe

Angle: Wants a reliable cloud service with complete privacy. Sees the potential earning power.

Why do we need a decentralized cloud? Many, many different reasons. Here’s three for starters:


工作經歷: 與人共同擁有一家網路咖啡店




1. The current cloud service providers are charging a fortune

2. All of our data is exposed to the service provider

3. Service disruptions can be catastrophic


1. 目前的雲端服務供應商收費貴得不得了

2. 我們所有的資料都暴露給服務提供者

3. 服務萬一中斷將會造成大災難


Decentralizing the cloud will have benefits for everyone who uses cloud services. There are a few visionaries trying to turn this into reality right now, the best one I’ve seen by far is Cloud Token. They were building the technology to handle this even before launching an ICO.


分散雲端對所有使用雲端服務的人都有好處。現在有幾個夢想家正嘗試把這個理念變成真實。到目前為止,我看到最好的就是雲端代幣 (Cloud Token) 。他們在推出首次代幣發售眾籌 (ICO) 之前,就已經在建設科技來處理這件事。


Their vision is to put everyone on the payroll. As incentives go - It beats all.




Everyone will have their own GridNode set up allowing them to contribute to a “Crowd Cloud” as a service provider. Each GridNode is connected to the blockchain creating a huge open grid network.


每個人都將設立自己的 GridNode。使他們成為一個服務提供者,貢獻給 大眾雲端“。 每一個GridNode 會連接到區塊鏈,創建出一個巨大的開放式網格網路。


The GridNodes contain a uniform application runtime environment, which enables a transfer of code between service providers. If one or some are out of action for any reason, the network service will not be disrupted.


GridNodes 包含一個統一應用運行時間的環境,讓它能夠在服務供應商之間傳送代碼。如果其中一個或一些因為任何原因失去作用,網路服務將不會中斷。


The price of using the decentralized cloud will be 90% less than the current major providers, and every contributor will receive an income for their relative contributions. As the co-owner of an internet cafe which sees only ever sees footfall from a pre MTV generation, this is the solution to a very expensive problem. I’m signed up. Now hook me up - These machines are idle all night.


使用分散雲端的價格將會比目前主要的供應商價格少百分之九十,而每一個貢獻者將會為他們相對的貢獻獲得一份收入。我店裏的客源全是音樂頻道 (MTV) 存在前的那一代人,對我這個網路咖啡店的共同擁有人,這是解決我一個非常昂貴問題的方法。我可以貢獻,賺點錢 - 這些機器整晚都閑著。


Right now, they’re crowdfunding the build. It’s not outsides the realms of possibility, and the founders have been working away quietly on this for the last few years. The Cloud Token has an affordable buy in at $10, and for the first time you can buy an Ether based cryptocurrency using a credit card.


現在他們正在集資來建造。這絕非不可能,創始人在過去幾年一直默默地在這方面工作著。雲端代幣 (Cloud Token)



It doesn’t take a genius to recognize the tokens will shoot up in price after the ICO ends. It doesn’t even take a moderately smart man to see the tokens will sell out. This is an inspired business model and I can’t wait for phase two.


一般平常人都可以意識到,一旦首次錢幣發行籌資 (ICO) 結束,這枚代幣的價格就會飆升。頭腦普通的人都看得出來代幣很快就會賣完。這是一個啟發性的商業模式,我等不及想要看看第二階段。


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